Date of birth – 8 Мay, 1925
Place of birth – Zarichchia village, Lviv oblast, Ukraine
Place of interview – Toronto, Ontario
Date of interview - 26 February, 1992
Audio interview (hard copy transcript available)
Language – Ukrainian
Interviewer - Since we are already talking about these events and the German occupation of Ukraine, there is another serious topic - the Jewish situation. Were there Jews in your village?
AB - In our village no, but in Deliatyn there were.
Interviewer - And do you know anything?
AB - Тhe Germans destroyed them all.
Interviewer - Do you know where any Jews hid, maybe some Ukrainians that hid Jews?
AB - Yes, they [Ukrainians] hid them...up to a certain time they hid them.
Interviewer - Maybe you know of concrete examples of people who hid Jews?
АB - Yes I know.
Interviewer - Please, you were talking about hiding Jews, so you know of instances where this happened?
AB - Yes, I know that my aunt who lived beside us, she hid one or two people.
Interviewer - Where? Do you know how?
AB - In the barn.
Interviewer - And later what happened to them?
AB - Fairly long. Throughout all of winter she hid them. Later, I think they had to leave because they started talking.
Interviewer - The people [started talking].
AB - Yes people were talking.
Interviewer - What were their names do you know?
AB - No.
Interviewer - You don't know. What was their fate do you know?
AB - No, I don't know, unfortunately.
Interviewer - What was the general attitude of the people toward this Jewish extermination?
AB - It was unpleasant. It was an unpleasant experience. It was sad to see that they [the Germans] executed people in the masses. Every evening we could hear gunshots. We even heard screams because this happened not too far from us. Just across [the river] Prut. Verhivec it was called. They said they brought them [the Jews] there. There was this ravine between two hills, and above this ravine is where they shot them. We knew of this. People sympathized. They thought differently. There was this saying: They [the Germans] use them [the Jews] to make the dough, and then they will use us [Ukrainians] to knead this dough. That was the іmpression people had.
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